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Hello, Welcome

My name is Brooke, I am empathic, fun loving, eternal optimist that believes anything is possible with just a little positive focus. I love creating and making people feel footloose and fancy free through artistic, healing, and uplifting outlets. I study and practice the Law of Attraction and work at balancing and mastering my energy frequency and emotions daily. I believe that we can create anything our heart desires when we match our thoughts and our emotional frequency. It's just like having a genie in your pocket with unlimited wishes at your disposal. I invite you to come learn how to create the life you desire and live happy and free!

All About Me

I have been  studying and mastering emotions for 25+ years. I  hold a B.A. degree in Psychology and a M.A. degree in Counseling.  I also specialize in energy and frequency healing and am a certified Sekhem-Reiki Master/Teacher for over 17 years. During my career I have worked with a broad spectrum of clientele, of all ages, both individually and in group settings through many organizations and my private practice. I created workshops such as How to create the life of your dreamsCommunication Bootcamp, and Discover the Guru within you.  In the last ten years, I have become a presenter and speaker at corporate and private events. I love writing, motivating, and supporting others so much that I became a ordained minister with the Universal Life Church. I write and officiate wedding ceremonies, vows, and eulogies.

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